Hey there, Jordan here. It’s 3:55 a.m. and I’m writing this. I’m on the couch so that I don’t disturb my girlfriend with my typing. Our Boston Terrier, Arthur, is gleefully asleep on my legs. And I’m wide awake. Here’s why. I am rebuilding my own website right now. I know it sounds trivial and it is. But honestly… I hate it. And I hate it because anytime I create an asset that is focused on me, I...
You Aren’t a Guru
In my last post, I ranted about how easy it is to put ourselves in a box. If we want to resist those natural urges, one of the toughest things about being a thought leader is the difficulty of clearly explaining what you do. Sometimes we are too close to our stories to be able to see what we do from the consumer’s perspective vs. our perception of the consumer’s perspective. (Get the...
The End of the Personal Brand
And how we’re actually hurting ourselves as we seek significance.
Why Wedding Speeches Suck
Can I tell you a quick story? I was at a wedding on the weekend with my girlfriend. She was the MC. I was the +1. She knew everyone. I knew almost no one. We’ve all been there. Awkward… right? The night before, I started chatting with an older chap at dinner. And it turned out he was the father of the bride. We began joking around. A couple minutes later, he asked what I do for work. I...
A Manifesto for Sheer Discomfort
Going viral taught me a lot about embracing vulnerability. And I have been thinking a lot about how beautiful discomfort is, how it is typically treated in society, and where it can take us in life. 1. Laugh at the hilarity of life. We don’t laugh enough. Treat your life as a soap opera or video game. Take a step back, and realize how absurd some of the things in our world really are, including...